Propagating Safety Messages during COVID-19

During COVID-19 Pandemic, we integrated public safety issues with the product promotion. Working for the company Singer, we conducted digital media campaign highlighting two issues: need to wear masks, and washing hands frequently. Our special focus was to reach the out of metro and rural social media users. We have reach 45 million population with those messages

Monitoring the Health Workforce

The Government of Bangladesh (DGHS, MOHFW) provided dedicated tablets to the Health Assistants providing health services and distributing medicines. We provided software for device control, attendance, movement tracking, use of time, quantity of medicine distributed etc. We also conducted Training of Trainer’s (TOT) and provided manuals.

Medicine Safety Solution

Julphar, one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in the Asia, Middle East and Africa has special focus in the oncology market. The company sells high value licensed products across the markets. The company needs to guarantee against sell of the counterfeit, expired and withdrawn products. We have provided an online-based product verification system. The user can simply input the code printed on the products.


Represents selective international prestigious brands of Fragrances, Skincare & Food items.
Problems: Duplicate, customer trust, lose of brand value
Solutions: SMS the scratched-off code to Authenticate individual product unit Maintain the supply Chain Back to back verification Trace and Tracking QR code for marketing and promotion Integrated with the company’s ERP


The country’s leading supplier of high-value micro-nutrient fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, regulators & seeds Problems: The Dealers, as a cartel, purchase to avail more discounts Sells duplicate and counterfeit products Returns the duplicate product Claims sales commission on all Regional product and pricing couldn’t be maintained Product commission couldn’t be defined properly
Solutions: Dealers scan the QR code or SMS the serial number to get subsequent deals During sales, dealer SMS the code again to avail the sales commission Only products with sticker can be returned Regional pricing ensured Sales tracked to regions or dealers Proper sales incentivized


Problems: The market was supplied by the baggage parties Often duplicate and counterfeit products Original product price (& retailer’s margin) would be higher Subsequent local promotions will increase the market size Partner product Garnier was available, but the L’Oréal was not sold Brand reputation and business potential suffering
Solutions: Customer SMS the code and gets a return. massage on the product status Brand authenticity increased Removed duplicate product from the super shops Promotional offers directly to the previous buyers (database of the verifying phone numbers) The QR code introduces promotional offers and or usage tutorial

Success Stories with the Government

Period 2017-18 across social media Promoted the a2i brand Created awareness and positive attitude Disseminated the a2i’s initiatives and activities Promoted the Innovation Fund It was created to engage and empower startups to co-create novel solutions for the impact at scale. We were entrusted to promote the fund on Facebook for maximum uptake. The campaign was successful.9211+ Proposals; 247+ Awardees; 22 Development Sectors; and Awarded USD 4.5+ Million..

Success Stories for Reaching the Rural IPS

Inverter (IPS) for Villages: In many villages, electricity is available intermittently though people have disposable income. Having an IPS is a necessity. As communicators, we needed to arouse the latent demand and lead them to purchase. The client would sell only there beating the competition. Our skills came in handy and useful for sales. We targeted them through social media after careful profiling. We continuously changed visuals and language suitable for rural areas. The client asked to stop the campaign due to stock out. Everybody was a winner!

Success Stories for Reaching the Rural Pasher Bari

Pasher Bari: Traditionally far few rural houses own fridges. They use neighbor’s house to store meat during the festival seasons. The client’s target was to sell more fridges through special media! By using our database and analytic tools, we targeted rural aspiring homes. Only through Facebook, we conducted the campaign for 15 days. It was a rainy season and flooding too! The client met its sales target.

Success Stories with the Private Sector SINGER

Singer Summer Campaign: For the company Singer, we conducted a sales campaign on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and GDN. Facebook was the key platform. The overall campaign offered precise targeting along with nationwide reach. Due to high sales, the planned 90-day campaign was ended within 30 days. The subsequent pre-booking was also overbooked.

Success Stories with the Private Sector Singer

E-Commerce App: It was developed for the leading home appliances company Singer Bangladesh. This is for online retail sales direct to consumers via mobile and has features like live chat, chatbots, and voice assistants. The customers pay through different payments. It works with both Android and iOS. This app is user-friendly and informative.

Success Stories with the Private Sector Violeta

140 Women Entrepreneurs: We have worked for more than 200+ Facebook Commerce sites. We promoted many women-owned MSME businesses. Through our analytics and promotional techniques, about 140 of the women entrepreneurs became very successful and have been sustaining their businesses.

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